Clinics and dispensaries

Haiti-Cosmos has established 22 dispensaries in remote rural areas of the Central Plateau. They are open three days a week.
Since 2018, a mobile clinic is providing care that cannot be provided by the auxiliaries of the dispensaries.
In Hinche, the Cosmos Clinic operates with a staff of 4 doctors, 3 nurses, 2 laboratory assistants and a guard.

The health program employs about 50 people.
Every quarter, the auxiliaries in charge of the dispensaries receive a one-day training course, provided by a qualified doctor, on a topical medical subject.

Patients who can afford it pay the equivalent of CHF 0.20 per consultation. It's ten times cheaper than in the hospital.

In 2018, after years of "tolerance", the Ministries of Public Health and Trade finally authorized the Cosmos Foundation to market the herbal medicines produced by the Phyto-Cosmos laboratory (see below).

In 2018, a 24-day homeopathy training course was given to 35 people (including the 23 health auxiliaries of the program) by two Swiss doctors. 13 graduate received a diploma from the League of Swiss Homeopaths. They have formed an association to provide care.

The Cosmos Foundation regularly collaborates with other NGOs (Zanmi Lassanté and Vision sur le Monde), that use its dispensaries and auxiliaries to give special care for pregnant women, to distribute medicines and to raise public awareness about AIDS, tuberculosis and cholera.

A herbal medicine lab

In 2007, the Phyto Cosmos laboratory was built in Ceramon, on a 150 hectares land mainly reserved for the cultivation of medicinal plants.

Formed by a team of pharmacists from the Geneva University and from the Cantonal Hospital of Geneva, the Phyto-Cosmos laboratory team includes a director, 6 agricultural workers, an agricultural technician, a laboratory technician and his assistant, and 6 security officers.

About forty plants, non-toxic and easily cultivated, have been scientifically studied: they can help to treat the most common diseases in the region. The plantation includes thousands of mango trees, nonis (against gastritis), banana trees (plantains), hundreds of eucalyptus trees.

The Phyto-Cosmos laboratory produces ten drugs that treat influenza, gastritis, malaria, fungal infections, wounds, diarrhea, tension problems, female infections, cough....
In 2018, Diabetis, a new drug made of ginger, has been produced for diabetics.
These drugs are delivered every month to our dispensaries, and since the approval obtained in 2018, they are also marketed in pharmacies.
The population appreciates them, as being are more effective and less expensive than synthetic drugs, and having no side effects.
During cholera epidemics, Diahrrix is in high demand (several thousand treatments each year).
In 2018, a team of two pharmacists and two Swiss doctors came to train the staff in drug quality control (compliance with the protocol) and in the preparation of a new packaging (capsules instead of syrup, which is not suitable for diabetics).